the museum of costume jewelry
View hundreds of pieces of jewelry and fashion accessories from icons of the past including Coco Chanel, Elsa Schiaparelli, Miriam Haskell, and Christian Dior. See the influence of cultural, industrial, and political trends on jewelry production and design over the past century.
Dedicated to the collection, preservation, research, and exhibition of 20th century costume jewelry, the Museum of Costume Jewelry is dedicated to 20th century costume jewelry. Unique jewelry from Europe and the US will be on display so that individuals may see the jewelry exhibits that have contributed to the rich cultural context of American fashion in which personal adornment has been celebrated for generations.
Coco Chanel receiving the Neiman Marcus award for Distinguished Service in the Field of Fashion from Stanley Marcus in 1957.
The Museum of Costume Jewelry arose from one collector's passion and fascination for costume jewelry over a period of many years. The Museum of Costume Jewelry is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.